
Fine Art Street Photography workshops

Taking to the streets of London in a fine art street photography workshop, beginners to professionals, mobile phones to any camera – all are welcome. Mark will share his vision and fine art approach with you throughout the day. The workshop is based around inspiring you to become more creative as a photographer and thinking outside of the box. Mark will also give guidance on how he works a scene; he will also help you to face any photography fears so that you come away with some fine art street photography images.

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[us_iconbox icon=”fas|camera” link=”%7B%22url%22%3A%22%22%7D” title=”WORKSHOP LIST 29th May 2024 £180″ color=”custom” icon_color=”#ffffff” iconpos=”left” bg_color=””][/us_iconbox][us_separator size=”small”][us_separator size=”small”][us_btn label=”CHOOSE A DATE – Book Your Place Now” link=”” hide_with_empty_link=”1″ style=”4″ align=”center” icon=”fas|check”]
[us_iconbox icon=”fas|camera” link=”%7B%22url%22%3A%22%22%7D” title=”Private 1-2-1 workshops available for £370. Contact Mark to arrange a date” color=”custom” icon_color=”#ffffff” iconpos=”left” bg_color=””][/us_iconbox][us_separator size=”small”][us_btn label=”Enquire Now” link=”|title:Private%20Tuition%20Enquiry||” style=”4″ align=”center” icon=”fas|check”]
[us_btn label=”View Photos” link=”target:_blank”][us_btn label=”View Videos” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]

Workshop Objectives:

  • To develop creative and artistic photography skills and ability to visualise scenes
  • To become a better and more confident person using a camera
  • To increase confidence about taking candid street photos
  • To know more about editing apps for optimum images
  • To develop knowledge of social media platforms
  • To have fun!

Workshop Itinerary

Meeting point

Start 10.15am Blackfriars underground tube station, outside the entrance, EC4.

Finish 3,15pm London Bridge station.

(NB not Blackfriars railway station)

[us_gmaps marker_address=”Blackfriars tube station” marker_text=”JTNDaDYlM0VJJTIwd2lsbCUyMG1lZXQlMjB5b3UlMjBvdXRzaWRlJTIwdGhlJTIwZW50cmFuY2UlM0MlMkZoNiUzRQ==” markers=”%5B%7B%7D%5D” zoom=”16″]
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You will need..

  • 100% charge on your phone/camera
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Clothes suitable for the changeable British weather!
  • I’d also bring a drink and a bag/backpack that won’t get in the way of taking photos.
  • You are welcome to bring a spare battery or a portable charger if you have one.